Friday, May 14, 2010

Finding My Confidence - Lola's Story

Finding My Confidence

I have always loved the look and sound of a Harley and jumped at every chance to be a passenger on one. My boyfriend is a seasoned rider but was lacking a motorcycle so last fall we decided to buy a Road King Classic. He suggested that I take the class and get my license for the heck of it but I wasn't interested (too hard!) and never gave it another thought.

First time out this Spring and all I could think of while sitting on the back was 'I could do this'. So I got my permit, took the class, got my license and bought a 04 Sportster 883 Custom all within a month. I spent the first couple weeks practicing starts/stops/turns in parking lots then last weekend I started out my driveway and through my neighborhood. well that must have been the point that I found my confidence b/c after a couple loops I was ready to get out on the road! We went for a little 30 mile cruise and I encountered all but the highway (no rush). I even dropped it (stopped with the wheel turned) but it wasn't that bad and I was almost relieved to get it out of the way!

I'd say the hardest part of learning was getting past my initial fear and pushing myself to do a little more each time. I know I still have a lot to learn but I have the basics down and I have my confidence and I know that I will just get better. It is so empowering to overcome your fears and do something you love!!

I could never have done this without the help of my boyfriend he has been such a great teacher and so encouraging and patient and I love him so much! I hope everyone learning has that kind of support from friends/family.

Well it's a beautiful day today and I cant wait to get back out there and ride!!

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